by Kerry Geocaris | Jun 24, 2014 | Featured, Media Mom, Uncategorized
Feeling stuck? Congratulations! That means it is time for a change. Feeling stuck sucks. We get depressed, anxious, feel like we aren’t getting anywhere, etc. However, you can use this stuckness to help fuel your transformation. Feeling stuck holds a higher...
by Kerry Geocaris | Jun 17, 2014 | Featured, Media Mom, Uncategorized
Whenever I talk to my clients about eating healthy, these are some of the common responses I get: “I don’t have time” “It’s so overwhelming”, “It’s too expensive”, and “I don’t know where to...
by Kerry Geocaris | Jun 10, 2014 | Featured, Media Mom, Uncategorized
On March 13, 2010 I received a letter in the mail. The letter was from me to me. I had written it about two months prior not knowing it would end up in my mailbox. I vaguely remember writing it during a group session at an inpatient treatment facility in...
by Kerry Geocaris | Jun 3, 2014 | Featured, Media Mom, Uncategorized
Chaos can come in so many different forms. If you are a parent and you love technology like I do it can hit you in a lot of directions. Let’s just start with this number below on my computer…15,907 photos and videos! What?!?! And I haven’t even...
by Kerry Geocaris | May 12, 2014 | Featured, Uncategorized
Be nice to mean people – it is hard, but necessary. This is one of the hardest lessons for my clients. Trust me, there is nothing worse than having someone attack you- especially publicly on Facebook! This recently happened to me and it was awful. However, I was...
by Kerry Geocaris | May 2, 2014 | Featured, Uncategorized
You can start changing your life by answering one simple question. It’s the first step. Asking it is easy and answering it also pretty easy. Following through is the hardest part. But today, let’s not focus on that. Let’s just focus on the question....
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