
People keep asking me if I am getting my kids ready to go back to school. Here’s the deal – although I am a life coach and I do my best to model and enforce good habits – the back to school tips out there really don’t get me excited so my kids aren’t going to like them either. Yes, going to bed earlier and waking up earlier is a good idea but I decided to take a different approach this year.

My kids don’t respond well to me shortening their night games and telling them they have to go to bed to get ready for school in a couple weeks. What they did respond well to was this goal setting project which helped them get ready for the school year. The kids and I did vision boards for what they wanted to get out of their next school year and some amazing things happened.


Things that Happened after doing Visions Boards for School

  • They stopped complaining about summer ending
  • They are excited about school
  • They organized their school supplies and clothes
  • They started making healthier habits
  • They started waking up earlier on their own
  • They talked about fears and challenges I didn’t know they faced
  • They cleaned their room so they could hang their boards up
  • They already started working on some of their goals


How the Vision Boards Helped Us as a Family:

  • We learned about fears and challenges our kids had and helped them address them
  • We talked about our individual goals and ended up making family ones
  • We realized we had similar interests, values, and goals
  • While interests are similar our priorities differ which led to good discussions and life lessons













Want to give Goal Boards a try in your family? Download this free printable below:


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