How to Turn Cleaning into Family Fun!

There are some things we “have” to do in life – one of them is cleaning, unless of course you don’t mind dust bunnies and dirty underwear. Do I love cleaning? No. However, I don’t have to hate it either. I am a big believer in making things fun. Anything I don’t...
The Busy Entrepeneurs Get Shit Done Guide

The Busy Entrepeneurs Get Shit Done Guide

There is nothing like crossing something off your to-do list! The problem is, that doesn’t happen too often as most of us make these lists a mile long piled with stuff we think we “have” to get done. Writing out things in our heads can be...

Awesome Ideas for a Successful Staycation

Spring break is underway and for those of you not heading away this year, let’s take a look at how we can ‘vacationify’ your time at home. I have talked to numerous people that aren’t traveling this break and when I ask what their plans are, I...

Find Self-Confidence Through Style

I have been talking a lot about clutter lately… I think it is because spring cleaning seems to be in full swing but also because clearing it away has made such a dramatic impact on my life. It truly has been life-changing and liberating. When we clear away...