Hijacking Kerry's Blog

Kerry doesn’t know I am writing this…

In fact, she might not be so happy about it. I’ll take that risk. Here’s the situation…

I’m Hannah, Kerry’s behind the scenes tech girl. I live in Sardinia in the sunny Mediterranean, which is great, but sometimes challenging when working with Kerry from such a distance. I do things like, formatting her blog posts (usually once a week), designing social media graphics, helping out during her classes, marketing, and fixing website errors of which there have been many in the last week.

Kerry is a little unwell right now. And the timing couldn’t have been worse as we enter the last two days of marketing Transformation 101 which is starting this Sunday. Usually we work side by side during launch campaigns, but I’m alone with a mountain of questions and everything a little unbalanced. Especially as my time has been focused on fixing some errors which saw many of you receiving strange emails and having some troubles on the site.

Needless to say I went to bed last night a little stressed out. Things to do when Kerry is sick are also things to do when things just aren’t going as planned…..

What to do when Kerry is sick…

  • Quiet Your Mind / Re-focus

The first thing to do when I get into a panic is to allow myself time. It’s important to clear your mind, meditate, get out in fresh air, do what you need to do to clear your mind momentarily. Guided meditations help you refocus on yourself, your breathing, and help replenish the good vibes you will need to dive into the work that has to be done. I highly recommend one of Kerry’s 101 alumni, Jill Lempke, you can follow her on Periscope to hear her live meditations. She rules.

  • Let Kerry Rest / Take the Lead

Kerry puts her heart and soul into these classes, so it’s pointless her running herself down in the days leading up to it. It’s both of our responsibility to ensure that students get the most from this class and Kerry needs to be at her best. This week she needs to rejuvenate her mind and body for the upcoming class.
My job/mantra/affirmations?

*You are a strong leader, Order Kerry to rest,  The universe will work with you to get this done*

Lesson: Your body and mind are both important for productivity and creativity- rest is essential. Be prepared to take the lead when things don’t go as planned.

  • Manage My To-Do List better / Mobilize the Troops

I took advantage of Kerry’s awesome to-do list printable where I was able to clearly and quickly decipher what tasks needed to be done now, later, which were a waste of time and also what I could delegate to others. You can learn how to use and download this printable here. It will  help you out if you also are having a mental meltdown with many tasks ahead of you.

Using this I realized that the most important tasks were the ones with the maximum impact. For example: Fixing an error that wasn’t immediately bothering anyone vs sending a final call email to her email list regarding the spots left on her next class – The error can totally wait.

Then I took it a step further, how could I get both of these done with two hands? DELEGATING!!! I assessed my immediate environment, what tools, resources and people could I call upon right now? I got the help I needed, people are more willing to give up their time to help out than you might think.

Friends, family and co-workers rock. You don’t have to do it all alone, calling upon the resourcefulness of others to help in the areas you DON’T excel in gives someone else the opportunity to shine in the areas they DO excel in. That’s what other people are for.

Lesson learned: There is always more than one way to achieve your desired result, People are good at stuff – sometimes better than you 😛

Working with Kerry is awesome, not only because I have her expert guidance all the time, but also because I get to mingle with her amazingly talented alumni on a regular basis. I’ve also had the pleasure of assisting Brad after building his website – his knowledge paired with Kerry’s lust for life is a winning combo (Brad, watch out I am hijacking you next). To put it simply, my work would be much harder without the tools and methods I’ve learned both in her class and from the way in which I see alumni dealing with their own struggles in positive and proactive ways.

Ready to join the Transformation 101 family? Enrollment is still open for another 2 days, learn more here!