
Spring break is underway and for those of you not heading away this year, let’s take a look at how we can ‘vacationify’ your time at home.

I have talked to numerous people that aren’t traveling this break and when I ask what their plans are, I hear “not much” or “probably work or catching up on things”. They are usually disgruntled and throw in a complaint or two about not going anywhere.

This post is to help you make the most of your staycation. There are so many benefits to staying home. You can save money, discover new things in your town, connect with your family, and learn to appreciate what you have. The key is to plan ahead so you aren’t wasting time because it will fly by. Also, make sure that if you are off work, that you are actually off! Do not make yourself accessible just because you are in town. Set boundaries by letting people know you are on vacation and set auto-responders in your emails. Be open to new possibilities and ready for some fun.

Here are some ideas for a successful staycation (click to enlarge and scroll through!):

And lastly here’s a video I made for you covering a few more awesome ideas for you and the family to get involved in!