It’s time to get ready for summer!

School is almost out and summer is right around the corner and I have some tips to help you cut through the chaos and make it a smooth summer!

Summer Preparation Checklist

  • Empty back packs right away and store away any items that you may need for next school year like headphones, lunch boxes, etc.
  • Donate any school clothes or uniforms to make room for summer items
  • Schedule children’s back-to-school doctor’s appointments so you don’t wait until last minute
  • Take photos of your child’s artwork and put into Artkive app and print a photo book
  • Stock Quiet Boxes – this is super fun for my kids! On the last day of school, we go to the store and the kids get to fill a bin full of goodies for their quiet box for the summer. While summer is full of adventure and playing, they also need some time alone. My kids fill their boxes with things they can enjoy independently like puzzles, coloring books, legos, etc.
  • Have water gear ready. A Facebook fan shared a photo where she keeps all the swim gear stocked and ready to go in a zip bloc bag.
  • Summer Saver Caddy. Keep a caddy full of all those summer items we need to use often like sunscreen, bugs spray, bandaids, flashlight, etc. Here is a picture from a fan of her caddy.
  • Keep a Car Caddy. Stock a bin full of sporting goods, bug spray, and sunscreen so you always have things on hand when you are up for an adventure.
  • Print out Scavenger Hunt Lists and keep them on hand. These are great for days when your kids say “I’m bored!”. My kids love these. You can download my fall scavenger hunt list here.
  • Make a plan for Screen Time! With school out, those electronic devices can be really tempting but make a plan to schedule screen time or have your child earn it by doing other activities first. A client shared her lists with us for you to download below.

Screentime Checksheet – for younger ages

Screen time Sheet for Older Ages












Set up a Summer Routine

It is essential to set up a simple routine for you and your kids to follow in the summer. As much as you may not like it, trust me…you will once you do! Kids thrive on routine and they like knowing what is coming and is expected of them. They may not like that they have to make their bed and put their clothes away before going outside, but if the expectations are clear and set up ahead of time your summer can run smoothly. Our kids run on a routine all year long and breaking free from it completely can cause chaos. Routines will eliminate the struggle. You won’t have to yell all the time and kids won’t feel like they are being nagged at. Kids like to be independent so give them some expectations and pretty soon they will be getting up, brushing their teeth, making their bed, and helping around the house in no time. Be consistent otherwise you will find yourself giving in.

I know, routines aren’t always fun – but you can make them fun with theme days! Here are some ideas, download Summer Theme Printable

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