Change your mindset, trust me it matters!
One day I was working on my computer at a local coffee shop and a woman gossiping and complaining to her friend. She was having a REALLY hard morning! Her car was making weird noises and she was mad at her husband for not looking at it before he left for work.  Her other friend also hadn’t texted her back yet – she even left her a voicemail! In the midst of her airing her grievances, she looked up and said “Look the sun is coming out!” Her friend responded, “Thank God!”
I lifted my head and observed for a moment. Within seconds, both of their moods changed. Their expressions got brighter and they even sat a bit taller. The one woman stopped complaining and grabbed her phone. She started texting rapidly as if she just won the lottery and then said, “Maybe I can get outside now!”
There was a part of me that wanted to tell the woman that she can go outside when it is cloudy. I wanted to tell her that her husband may have been late for work if he checked her car this morning. I wanted to tell her that her friend may be busy and hasn’t had time to respond to her. I wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to wait for the sun to come out to feel better. I wanted to tell her that her coffee date could have been way more enjoyable if she had just decided to wake up and make her own sun.
Her car was making funny noises, but she had a car. Her friend hadn’t gotten back to her, but she had a friend. She woke up to a cloudy morning, but she got another morning.
Spend the rest of the day looking for the good. Be appreciative of where you are and what you have. Be thankful for the skills that got you your job. Be grateful for your coworker that helped you on a project. Be courteous of other drivers that are also rushing home to see their families after a long day. So you don’t have dinner prepared? You still have food in your cupboard. So you have baskets of laundry to put away? You still have clothes to wear. Stop creating your own clouds of problems and enjoy the rays of light around you!