I help people that feel stuck or not fulfilled to find who they truly are and why they are here so they can live a life of health and happiness!

My father’s death saved my life. Through experiencing his unfathomable spirit of living his life to his fullest while dying, it brought out my inner strength to help me win a battle of my own – a battle with manic depression. It was one that robbed me of my identity for 15 years. During that time, I was on 18 different medications, was suicidal, was hospitalized, and saw dozens of specialists.  They told me I had a chemical imbalance and would need medications for the rest of my life. I believed them. I became what they saw. I became the symptoms by which I was defined.

When I lost my father, my soul was awakened and I discovered that being happy is actually quite simple. I was never any of my diagnoses, those were just words to help facilitate my care. The real diagnosis: I was simply disconnected from my authentic self. I was living everyone else’s life but my own. I was living a life of “shoulds” instead of a life of “wants”.

My father created an incredible life simply by recognizing and using the talents he was given. He was handed a death sentence just months after retiring as one of the most respected surgeons in Northeast Wisconsin. Remarkably, even after his dismal prognosis he was never dying, he was always living…right up to his last breath. His death gave me life. My father showed me how to live and taught me that the only thing getting in the way of my happiness was myself. I decided to take accountability for my health and happiness and became a student of all things wellness. I have documented my transformation process and developed SIMPLE programs that will allow you to discover who you are and why you are here.

It’s through my story of transcending loss, depression, and all the other MISdiagnoses that reveals my true purpose. My mission is to inspire you to also find joy and happiness by living authentically, purposefully, and believing in something higher than yourself. I believe the process of being happy has become too cluttered and complicated with medical interventions, societal pressures, and material possessions.

My job as a life coach is to simply “coach”…I cannot change, fix, or save you but I can stand by you, guide you, and cheer you on while you transform yourself. No one is ever their diagnosis; that is simply a symptom of being disconnected from who they came into this world to be. I help people reconnect and get clear on why they are here in this world. By telling my story, I hope to motivate you to live a life of health and happiness.

I invite you to follow my blog, social media posts, and newsletters. There you will find a plethora of information that you can use. You will learn more about my story – the good, the bad, the ugly, the scary, but most of all the joy that is found through the process.