You can’t ignore the power of setting intentions. If you aren’t doing this in your life, you should start now!

We all have things we want to do but never do. Whether it is organizing a closet or starting your own business, you will never accomplish your goal without setting an intention to do so. Setting intentions helps get rid of all that negative thinking that goes through our head all day and kicks the manifestation into gear. Intentions do not allow for any excuses like…”I don’t have time”, “I don’t have support”, “I will fail”. They hold you accountable and replace negative thoughts with positive steps towards action and success.

Setting an intention is as simple as waking up and making a rule for your day. It could be, “Today, I will not stress about little things.” “Today, I will write a chapter for my book.” “Today, I will smile at everyone I see.” These little rules make big differences. A study by Dr. Gail Matthews from Dominican University of California showed that people who wrote down their goals, shared them with friends, and then sent weekly progress updates were 33% more successful at accomplishing their goals than those who just set them.

I highly suggest setting implementation intentions rather than just goal intentions. A goal intention is more open ended and states something like, “I will be positive today.” An implementation intention would be something like, “When someone is being negative around me, I will remain calm and stay in a place of peace and happiness. I will not let other people or situations bring me down,”

One way to set intentions is to simply write them down in the morning. Here are some examples that I have done in the morning.



One of my favorite ways to help me get things done is to use an app called Intention Reminder. Each morning, I type in my intention and then set it to remind me about it during the day. You can use your own photo or the app includes fun backgrounds. You can share with friends to hold each other accountable. Here is what it looks like on the phone:


Here are some examples of intentions you can set:

Intentions For Less Stress

  • When I have multiple tasks to carry out, I will commit to doing one at a time
  • When unplanned events happen, I will go with the flow
  • When I start to feel overwhelmed, I will take a break to reset
  • When I feel by body getting agitated, I will stop and focus on my breathing
  • When other people are stressed and complaining, I will not take in their energy

Intentions For Confidence

  • When I start to think negative, I will release negative thoughts with positive ones
  • When I start to avoid something because it is uncomfortable, I will face my fear
  • To keep myself confident, I will say positive affirmations to myself all day
  • When I notice I am slouching, I will reset my body into good posture and stand tall
  • When I think about how difficult things are, I will stop and remind myself how far I have come

Intentions For Self Love

  • When I feel alone, I will call on my Higher Power and say “I love you” to myself
  • I will be mindful of what I am eating and nourish myself at mealtimes
  • I will keep my body moving and exercise for the joy of moving
  • When I start to judge myself, I will respond with compassion and seek to understand what needs healing
  • When I get distracted with technology, I will stop and return to be present in the moment

Intentions For Others

  • When I see someone, I  will greet them and smile
  • I will look for a random act of kindness to perform today
  • When I start being impatient with others, I will remind myself to be understanding and compassionate
  • When someone is talking to me, I will be present and truly listen
  • When I see someone, I will give them a compliment

Intentions For More Joy

  • I will make time to connect with my inner child and do something I truly love everyday
  • When I am getting down, I will practice gratitude and remind myself of my blessings
  • I will choose to be in the presence of positive people
  • I will go outside and truly be present in nature
  • I will play music, dance, and laugh