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If you are afraid of it, then go for it. That is the only way to overcome fear.

When I was getting ready to launch this business, I kept coming up with reasons why we couldn’t. I needed to add something  to the website, I needed to create another video, I needed to write something different…etc. It went on for months! I was going to launch last March, then May, and then after summer…it was ridiculous. Then, Channel 5 called one day and asked if I would be a weekly guest on their new talk show and BOOM – the website was live a week later. Simply Kerry was officially out of the closet!

It was a whirlwind of a launch because it went against everything I have ever done as a business and marketing person. Normally, you create and follow a business and marketing plan. This journey however, has been more of a shoot first and aim later strategy. Do you want to know why? Because of one stupid word – FEAR!

Let me tell you a little story about fear.

Fear is dumb. The end.

But really, it is. Fear keeps us in this “stuck” place. It keeps us up at night. It keeps us spinning our wheels. It keeps us lost and alone. It keeps us from truly living. It keeps us from smiling. Its keeps us from being present. It keeps us from connecting. Basically, it keeps us from A LOT of amazing things.  Here is a quote for you to reflect on –  “The things we fear have already happened to us.” Think about that. If you really reflect on this, you can overcome anything because you are stronger and wiser now.

I have been fortunate to have some external sources “pushing” me on this journey. Part of that is because once you make a decision to do what you are passionate about, the universe conspires to make it happen. Really it does. Channel 5 was one of those examples. Had they not called, I probably would still be making changes to my homepage.

Here is a cool story for  you…

A few weeks ago, I was getting myself in a frenzy. I have all these things I want to accomplish for the business but instead of actually doing them, I just think about them. I think and think and think until I am just thinking myself into a hole of paralysis. One of things I have been waiting to do is this group coaching course. I had been sitting on this for awhile. Everything was in order and ready to go, but I wasn’t doing it. One day I went to lay down and take a nap. I took out my dream journal and wrote down some intentions…I wanted to get some answers while I slept. I asked for some clarity and direction regarding this course.

I ended up having this dream where I was standing on a cliff and I was looking out at the beautiful sunrise before me. As I stood there in awe of the beauty, I remember feeling scared and not knowing what to do. I then felt my Dad wrap his arm around me and I immediately felt safe. Then suddenly, he blew so hard in my ear that I jumped off my pillow and woke up! It scared the crap out of me and felt so real. I looked around the room to see if anyone was there. The room was empty. I couldn’t believe it.   I thought, “What the hell just happened?” Then I started laughing. I got up and  went to my computer, emailed out the course description and within a few hours it was full.

My Dad literally blew me off the cliff and it was the best jump ever! This group coaching course is going extremely well. I mean, EXTREMELY well! I have an amazing group of clients that are making HUGE breakthroughs just in the first week.  I never would have imagined the magic that is happening. These woman are motivated and full of so much life that they haven’t even tapped into yet. I feel so blessed to be with them on their journey.

One of my goals now is to start pushing myself off the cliff more. Sometimes we need nudges from time to time but if we really want to make our dreams a reality, we have to do the jumping. The things I was fearing by launching this course have already happened to me. I have had people not like me. I have had people bully me. I have felt like I let people down. I have felt like I wasn’t good enough. These things can’t affect me anymore because the opinion of myself is all that matters. My thoughts were keeping me from taking the leap. I wasn’t liking me, I was bullying me, I was letting myself down, and I was telling myself I wasn’t good enough.

These are all false beliefs. These are things I created based on bad experiences in my life. I am stronger and wiser now. I know how to jump now and I am learning to fly.