
Other people and their energy can ruin your day in an instant if you aren’t careful.

The other night I forgot to turn off my phone alerts before going to bed. Instead of being woken by the beautiful light of my sunrise simulator and sounds of a glorious summer day…I was woken by a dreadful Facebook notification and this one was dreadful! I told myself to just ignore it and go back to sleep but unfortunately when something wakes me up, I am up.  So I grab my phone and open my messages to find that a so-called Facebook “friend” invaded my inbox with some rants, accusations, and a boatload of negative energy. Oh was I pissed! Of all the nights I forget to mute my phone! This was not how I wanted to start my day!

As I read this message, I felt my body getting tense and hot. My jaw was clenching and my blood boiling. Here are some of the thoughts that went through my head: “How dare you send me this message?” “How dare you dump “your” crap on me?” “How dare you bring me into “your” drama and “your” issue?” “How dare you accuse me of things I never did or said?” Oh my mind just kept racing. A knee-jerk reaction took over and I hit reply. I was ready to respond with rage and fury. After typing the first word I stopped. And then you know what I did?


In our house, we call this PROJECT RESET! I set my sun to rise on my dawn simulator for 10 minutes later. There was no way I was going to fall back to sleep but there was no way I was going to allow an immature message full of someone else’s negative energy rob me of a peaceful and delightful morning.

Think about how often this happens throughout your day. I don’t recall the last time I got a mean message in my inbox but I definitely have to fight off someone else’s negative energy every day. Whether it’s my husband’s energy from a stressful day,  my kid’s whiney-ness, a gossipy friend at a social event, a rude clerk at the grocery store, an aggressive driver on the morning commute, or working through a client’s issues.

Setting emotional boundaries is crucial if you want to stay centered in your own emotions. So many of us, especially if you are a highly sensitive person like myself, take on other people’s emotions. When I went back to bed I put myself back into my happy bubble. I envisioned pulling my energy closer to me like a protective force field. I reminded myself that balanced people don’t go around sending accusatory, negative messages. I remembered my motto of “Let Love Win” and prayed that this person could resolve whatever issue and insecurity they were having. It had nothing to do with me. I affirmed to myself that “I am loved, I am enough, and I am strong.” A few minutes later, my artificial sun started to rise and the birds started chirping. I opened my eyes and woke up on my terms, on my RIGHT side of the bed, and set an intention to have a glorious day! And I did!