Today’s post comes from my husband. It is a healthy recipe to help feed your soul. You will often hear me talk about intentions and affirmations. They are incredibly powerful and helped me with my transformation. Here is a message from my husband, Brad about his experience:

“For many years I would wake in the morning in a bad mood because of some stress I chose to hold onto from the prior day. Recently, without realizing it, I got myself into one of those ruts. Usually in the morning I write an inspirational note to Kerry and my children but on this day I decided to write to myself. As a psychotherapist, I’ve learned over the years of working with clients that I am no good to them if I am not caring for myself.  So, I decided to treat myself to breakfast. It wasn’t a bagel or a bowl of cereal. Instead, I chose something that would sustain me for the duration of the day. It would fuel me with positive energy and help me care for me.

The first step was remembering that I control my happiness. Stress is an everyday occurrence. It comes and goes but it is like death and taxes – guaranteed! So, instead of trying to focus on preventing it or ignoring it, neither of which really works, I chose to accept it and to be positive about the outcome.

Next, I set a boundary for myself. We all encounter negative energy from others. Sometimes we stay stuck in that negative morning, like having the “case of the Mondays.” Why add more negativity in the world? There is plenty there. It is easy to forget this and stay stuck in our frustration and anger. But, if we choose not to take on others’ negativity and remember to be positive, we may have a better shot at balancing the equation and may even come out on the positive side.

Finally, remember what counts most!!! Often times, I find myself getting caught up in financial woes that in retrospect I realize I create only in my mind. I forget to appreciate the countless blessings I have, especially with my family and the amazing people in my life. From clients to coworkers, my wife, kids, parents, in-laws, even a kind stranger, I can be blinded by their greatness if I am not careful…if I choose to move towards negativity. On this day I chose to be focused. I shared this with many of the people I worked with that day. Each and every person with whom I shared it said they loved it and took positive energy from hearing about my breakfast. I guess they say you are what you eat, so feed your mind and spirit a healthy breakfast every day!” –


 My Husband’s Healthy Breakfast (for body & soul)
