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There is one thing you need to do if you want to make a change – DECIDE. You have to make the decision that you are going to do whatever it takes to get where you want.

I had no idea how I was going to pull myself out of depression but I woke up one day and said “enough is enough”! My dad was dying but he was still getting up every morning and loving life. I had been on a vicious cycle of endless pain and negativity for fifteen years – it was time for the madness to stop. In my ebook, I talk about having a “D Day” – it’s a day you just DECIDE to make a change. It doesn’t matter how you are going to accomplish your goal, you just have to decide you are going to TRY.

Just that decision alone is enough to change your energy. And the more you focus on that positive energy, the more the universe starts working for you. You need to go beyond your fears and limitations. The “how” of your goals and dreams is none of your business. That all falls into place later. Just make a decision to pursue the change or dream first. A lot of people stop themselves before they get out of the gate because they can’t see how they can get where they want. Their vision is so clouded with false beliefs and they see all these obstacles in their way that don’t even exist. Their energy is depleted because all they have been saying to themselves is, “I can’t”, “I will never get there”, “I don’t have time”, “I don’t have money”, and “I am not capable.” Well of course you won’t get there if you keep saying that!

When I decided to pursue life coaching I had no idea how I was going to do it….but when I felt my energy align it propelled me forward and things fell into place. Everything started working for me. I know that sounds crazy but people started coming into my life to help make this happen. My website person, the money for training, my photographer, my mentor, my first clients…all these things  just “showed up”. Is today your “D Day”? What is waiting for you?