
Today is a great day because I celebrate another year of life. This morning I woke up feeling more blessed than usual because of all the wonderful messages I have received. Today is glorious, but not because of my birthday. Today is another day of life, opportunity, and love. Today there are a lot of things for you and I to celebrate. Today let’s celebrate the ordinary. Here are some gifts for you:

Today is great because:

  1. You got another day. Even though it is cold, the sun is out and there is beauty everywhere.
  2. You have a roof over your head.
  3. You have friends and family to call on.
  4. You have people who have loved you and still do.
  5. You can focus on all the blessings you have received from relationships, even if they aren’t what you wish.
  6. You have time. We all have time. You get to decide what to do with your time.
  7. You have a body that is capable of moving and enjoying life.
  8. You have music to listen and dance to so you can feed your soul.
  9. You have health. You get to decide how good it is.
  10. You have talents to share. You get to decide if you want to.
  11. You have moments to make memories.
  12. You have people to see and places you can go.
  13. You have feelings that you can express. When you truly go into them, you will learn, heal, and grow.
  14. You have people supporting you and you don’t even realize it.
  15. You have opportunities to meet new people and experience new things.
  16. You have food to taste that can nourish your body.
  17. You have opportunities to experience spiritual connections at any time.
  18. You have technology that allows you to learn and connect with people at any time.
  19. You have clothes to keep you warm and make you feel good.
  20. You have a bed to snuggle in so you can rest your mind and body so you can recharge.
  21. You can create something beautiful.
  22. You can write something meaningful.
  23. You can hug or kiss someone to feel the goodness of touching.
  24. You can fail or make a mistake so you can learn and grow.
  25. You can let things go at anytime so you can truly live in the moment.
  26. You can breathe and be reminded you can relax and heal yourself.
  27. You can help someone in need and feel good about it.
  28. You can do something good for yourself at any time.
  29. You can forgive and simply let love win at anytime.
  30. You can decide at any moment how you want the rest of your day to go.

Happy Day to You!