Doing What You Love Always Wins
I love writing. Like I really, really, really love writing. I stopped writing though. There was a period in my life that the only thing I would write were papers for school or tasks on to-do lists that never got crossed off. I use to write poetry, reflections in my...
Measures That Actually Matter When Exercising
If you want to transform your health and body image, you need to stop measuring your losses and instead measure your gains. "Lose weight, lose inches, lose fat, lose pant sizes, lose your belly...lose lose lose!" I hate losing. I don't know a single person that likes...
You Need Alone Time, Here’s How to Get It!
You may be asking, "What's alone time?" If you are, then keep reading because it's something you absolutely need to get in your life ASAP! Getting some "me time" in your day is essential to your health. I know, I know...I used to say it too, "I don't have time," "It's...
5 Ways to Get Over Boredom
I never thought I would be helping people get over boredom. That was the last thing I expected. I always ask my clients what brought them to me and some say, "NOTHING! That's the problem!" That's right. Nothing is happening for people. They are bored! So many people...
5 Ways to Tackle Stressful Family Gatherings
A stress-free family get together – doesn’t that sound nice? I absolutely love my family and holiday get-togethers but one thing I never understood was the stress and negative thoughts that came with it. I thought, “If I love these people so much, then why is this...
10 Easy Happiness Hacks for Better Mornings
Trouble getting some decent shut-eye? Waking up cranky? You aren't alone, millions of people suffer the same issue: they want to wake up happy! It's easy with a little discipline... I've worked with countless people from all walks of life who share one thing in...
7 Ways to Get More Fruits and Vegetables
The more fruits and vegetables you get in your diet the happier and healthier you will be. And the magic number is 7! A study shows that people who had seven portions of fruits and vegetables a day lowered their risk of death by 42%. So here are 7 ways to get 7...
Tips to Overcome Fears and Follow Your Dreams
Overcoming fear and following your dreams can be difficult when there are a bunch of roadblocks in your way. Guess what? These blocks aren't really there. We put them there and we can easily get rid of them. All you need to do recognize what they are, shift your...
Reparenting Yourself for Good Mental Health
Isn't it interesting that we can be so open when talking about our physical health but the minute we bring up "mental health" a big wall goes up. This stigma needs to stop. Want to know why? Because if you are reading this right now, you have a brain and that brain...
Meaningful Mother’s Day Ideas
So many of us stress over finding the perfect Mother's Day gift. What we don't realize is that we already have the perfect gift - OURSELVES. The commercialization of these holidays can really pull us away from what matters. This holiday, think about how you can...
Negative Lessons You Are Teaching Your Kids
My son, Elliot once told me that he didn't want to grow up. He said, "I don't want to be a kid in school my whole life, but I definitely don't want to be an adult." I asked what he meant and he responded, "Well, first you have to get a job you hate and then you don't...
Secret to Happiness: Tips from a 5-year-old
What's the secret to happiness? According to my 5-year-old the answer is pretty simple. The other day the temperature got up to 50 degrees! It felt amazing since we've had more than 50 days of below zero this winter. Guess what I did that day? I ran a TON of...