Join me and my team in a 4-Week online course
to help you BE YOU this New Year.
A new year is a great place to start finding you! No need to get wrapped up in resolutions and restrictions. No more focusing on losing pounds and changing who we are. This is all about gaining all that makes us who we actually are and setting goals that align with our values and what is most important. This course will set you up for success for the rest of the year!
What you can expect:
* Identify what really matters to YOU and how you want to live your life
*Set up your life so you can easily live according to your values
* Draw out your desires and goals
* Learn how to harness intrinsic motivation so you can attain what you want
* Set short term and long term goals that you are excited about
* Make an action plan that you can easily implement into your life
* Uncover your fears and blocks and move through them
* Create an action plan that will move you through the blocks and struggles along the way
* Fun group accountability and challenges
* Support and guidance from the Simply Kerry coaching team
This is a short course that will help you define what’s most important to you. It makes following goals a lot easier when you really know who you are and what’s most important. Then we set ourselves up for success by living your life on a daily basis, according to your top values. That in itself is an amazing way to set up your life.
You will receive weekly lessons, resources, and actions you can easily implement to maintain health and happiness. We will be connected in a private Facebook coaching group where my coaching team and I will be guiding you further to work through blocks, struggles, and help identify solutions.
This Course Is For You If You Are
- Are ready and motivated
- Afraid you may not follow through
- Struggle with low energy levels
- Desire more for your life in the New Year
- Tired of feeling tired and want new energy
- Want goals and a plan that align with your values and are excited about
- Want to be healthy and happy
- Want to be with a group of fun, high energy people
- Are tired of setting resolutions and not following through
- Want to get a clear direction
- Are ready to let go of old sabotaging ways
- Wanting more fun in your life
- Want to learn more of who you are and what you are made of
- Want to identify your struggles and create solutions
- Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone