At Simply Kerry Coaching & Consulting, our mission is to help you elevate to excellence.
We are here to help you get a higher education in yourself so you can live happier and healthier.

The Shining Star membership is the perfect place to start OR if you are already an alumni, it's a great place to continue on your path of growth and elevation. 
What is the Shining Star Membership?
The Simply Kerry Transformation Process is based on the foundation of finding and following your "inner star" - or the person you came here to be. As we go through life, we get disconnected from that and live our life playing other roles and characters. We live our life according to others and by what we think we "should" do. We lose sight of our dreams, struggle in relationships, our health suffers, we lose our sense of purpose, our businesses and work suffer, and we forget how to have fun. 

This cost-effective and convenient membership is set up to help you find your star and follow it. Whether you are new to Simply Kerry or an alumni, this is the perfect place to start and continue your transformation. 

What do I get?

As a Shining Star member, you will receive weekly emails with lessons and activities on various topics that make up your holistic life. You will be connected with us in our private coaching group where we will be guiding you throughout the week with live coaching videos, weekly challenges, and accountability. You will see an inside look at how we do life differently and learn how to move through blocks, elevate in live, maintain balance, and find joy.
This is an interactive membership so you will have access to the entire Simply Kerry Coaching team as well as featured wellness experts. ​If you have been a part of any of the Simply Kerry Facebook coaching groups, you can expect the same energy and interactiveness! All the materials will be emailed weekly so you can save and access them at anytime!
For $24 a week, you will gain a wealth of knowledge, tips, and tools that will bring you more simplicity, peace, and empowerment into your life. 
Let's Shine!
What will we be covering?
 We will be tackling the various components that make up our holistic life and will include challenges for you to incorporate daily and weekly. You will learn how to 
strengthen your spirituality, improve self-care and self-love, tips and tools for stress and anxiety, wellness tips, positive parenting, move through movement blocks and get motivation, mindfulness and meditation, incorporating more fun and passion in your life, how to reach optimal health, how to reduce pain, food tips, explore your purpose, get into a healthy money mindset, rock your relationships, setting boundaries, move through fear, manifest your desires, rewire and rebuild the brain, and much more!!!
Some of our favorite challenges and topics we will cover are:
Who am I really?
Solutions to Stress and Anxiety
Finding & Maintaining Confidence
Manifesting Money
​Allowing Your Children to Fail
​7 Day Food Transformation
Movement Motivation
How to Fight Healthy
Turning Around Triggers
Setting Loving Boundaries
Mindfulness Methods
Sex Struggles and Rocking Relationships​​​​​​​
This membership helped me hone in on and tweak the little personal annoyances that prevent me from living a joyful and authentic life. The tools and resources provide me with the ability to re-prioritize and center my life in spirituality and love, and the support of amazing people energizes me to continue on this path of health and we
This is a great tool for taking a weekly assessment of an area of life (behavior, reactions, feelings, perceptions, relationships etc...) and analyzing it and resetting how we normally operate to a better way. In the past year it has helped me improve and grow immensely!!

I recommend it for anyone looking to improve their life.
This has taken me from a negative to a positive mindset in a short period of time in almost every aspect of my life. It has given me tools to be happier, offer better ways to respond to negativity of other people around me and to see the brighter side In addition to mental health, They also cover your physical health so that you can work to be the happiest and healthiest you've ever been!
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